The Bubbe Float eco soap
The Bubble Float We can probably agree, basic hygiene is a necessity. It contributes to smelling good, keeping friends, perhaps even attracting romance in to our lives. But it is also quite important in order to maintain personal health, thus contributing to overall societal health. The use of products such as soap, are therefore something of a bare necessity, in order to maintain optimal levels of cleanliness and contribute to a healthy way of living. Liquid soap in plastic containers is now the mass way in which to consume soap. Many of us in the UK will agree that it need not be this way. Most of us have been exposed to the idea of a re-use, recycle soaps, in those refill boxes at those niche little vegan shops squirrelled away down an alley way, in some obscure and trendy part of town, where patrons arrive in there colourful flowing garments, carrying their bags for life clattering with half a dozen containers ready for the refill. But what about ...